Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Mixed day today. First thing at school where I saw one of my old colleagues collecting data from 'normals' for her research project and invited her for a coffee at lunchtime. Headed home for a run, only short but quite quick, (am hoping the distance will come back quickly this time), made cakes for the children's centre Baby Shower this evening, had coffee with said friend, did lots of household stuff, collected Carys from school.

Baby shower went well, but for the second week in a row I came home to an awake William. At least this week he wasn't hysterical, but he still took an hour to go back to sleep. I don't know why he won't settle back without me at the moment. I had thought we had got over that issue and Jim could settle him but we seem to have regressed a bit which isnt good as he stir at least once in the evening most nights.

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