
Toby couldn't have been more excited at the finale of his Easter egg hunt in the garden with what he judged to be   "The biggest Easter Egg in the world". I suppose compared to the other tiny ones dotted round the garden then this was a giant one. I struggled to choose between this photo and one of Eva looking super cute in her home made Easter bonnet. 

Its been a busy day. We are really struggling with Nell at the moment. She is getting so strong, pulling on the lead and we're having to try really hard not to get annoyed with her. Walking the dogs has gone from being a lovely relaxing past time to just plain bloody hard work. All the advice we had read and been given said to stop the second she pulls, call her back to us, treat her and carry on. Which is fine in theory but when you have two other dogs on the walk as well then its not practical and not fair on them as they are not getting a walk. So I did some more reading and found some really good advice on the horse and hound forum, basically using the same method but changing direction too so she only gets to go where she wants when she isn't pulling. But for it to work, we need to do separate walks for Nell to the boys. So I got up far too early for a Sunday to take Nell out, dropped her at home and then got the boys for their walk while Mike got the kids up and did their breakfast etc. 

Then had to rush out to feed a cat and went on to the stables and had a brilliant ride round Broombriggs with April and Lincoln - lots of gallops and big smiles all round. Back at home we did the Easter egg hunt and then had an hour up at the allotment. We're going to share an allotment with a friend as we are both finding them too big to maintain but we're reluctant to give it up completely as the kids love it so much. Our friend has two girls slightly older than Toby and Eva and they were out this afternoon. They all had so much fun getting filthy in their 'soil factory', making 'fresh soil' for my herb bed. 

Nell spent the rest of the afternoon on the allotment and I took Alfie and Charley over to Barrow to walk a customers dog. Got really warm this afternoon. So nice to see the sunshine after the past couple of days. 

Tried to watch a film tonight, but one glass of wine and all the fresh air sent me to sleep on the sofa ;0)

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