
A day of accomplishment. Started with a 7k run after managing to single handedly get the kids bikes on the roof. Previously not a job for the girls. Home to finish building my wall, dug up an old flowerbed which I first built in 1996 when I moved here and created a new big bed. Then reconfigured the lawn and weeded and fed it too.
This involved the rather symbolic moving of my Grandma's ashes which I tentatively dug up with a bit of a heavy heart. Only to find she'd gone.
Urn and all.
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. What to think or feel?
It was always a lurch and a tie to think she lay there. I guess after 18 years I just expected to dig a little and find her again, but instead she's released and a glorious cherry tree above her.
Happy sad

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