I would have had to jaunt to be there so soon after seeing and photographing the full moon in all its morning splendour. It was a little too high in the sky still for the rising sun to turn it orange. The clouds below it were bathed in the light from the sun, so much so that the western sky was as beautiful as the eastern sky.
I'd woken up about 0630 and was confronted immediately out the window by most magnificently coloured clouds. I was very tempted by the photo I got of this. But the colours shown by the camera were not as I recall them being. What I saw as red, the camera has recorded as orange and gold. In addition, that photo was taken before rather than while I was running.
Eastern Beach is in the foreground, and at low tide with the early morning light, it looks to me like how I imagine the moon might look.
It has been a quiet and productive day.
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