Can't think of a better way to spend my Easter Sunday than with these special people.  The morning started early for me, trying to get some last minute baking in. I got a good hour in and most of it done before Alex woke up ready to search for his Easter Basket.  The bunny was too kind to little man this year, picking gifts and treats catered just to his liking.   had so much fun watching him go through his gifts in his basket.  It was cold but beautiful morning without rain, which made it easy for the other Easter Bunny to do his one and only task of hiding about 60 eggs in the yard.  Off to a great church service and then back to the house where my parents, sister, and her family came over to celebrate over brunch.  The Easter Egg hunt for the kiddos was a hit. . . one that will definitely need to be repeated in the future.  The picture above is of my parents, and their beautiful grandchildren. We are so blessed.  Happy Easter to all!    A few more pics from the day, but I have so many more to edit.  

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