Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Easter Egg Hunt

Breakfast in the sunshine out in the front garden. It was so warm! Then Archie had his first Easter Egg hunt. By accident... I do hope that eating lots of hard boiled eggs (and shells) don't have an adverse effect on him.

We went to the Braidburn Valley Park. And it was FULL of families rolling eggs down the hills! It was a lovely warm day, the park was full of daffodils - such a pleasant sight for Easter Sunday.

Archie soon discovered the discarded cracked hard boiled eggs all along the bottom of the hill, and went off on a manic forage. He even ignored other dogs in favour of the eggs! I walked ahead and deprived him of quite a few, but I dread to think how many he ate...

He has recently discovered the joys of rubbing his beard in nasty smelly stuff! He's never done that before. Even after a vigorous beard wash yesterday, there was still a fishy smell wafting around him on the sofa. Today we discovered, that whatever it was, was still caked on his collar. Yuck.

Back home, a wash and brush up for a very muddy Archie, and a final check of the checklist the tour company provided. Photocopies of passports? Tick. (Newly rescued from Archie's mouth...)

Three suitcases Two suitcases and a washing basket to pack.

This is Archie chasing his tail. And actually, it features a good shot of his butt, which may feature in not such a charming way later this evening...

Not sure if I can blip every day - we are told that wifi on board might be dodgy. (As long as that's all that's dodgy...)

One more sleep on dry land!

PS This time last year we had just arrived in Casablanca for the start of our Moroccan adventure. JR has just mused that she likes this type of holiday best - we did rough it a bit last year. We deserve comfort at our age...

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