Lala's Journal

By Lala


A photo taken with iphone 6, my new phone. I love technology and communication and am as bad as my children for wanting the new version. I, however am more thrifty and can wait until my upgrade is due and the costs have come down. This year with my birthday falling on a Bank holiday B and I were shopping for my birthday present ( there was nothing I really wanted) when we popped into the phone shop to see if my upgrade was due. It was, and the present problem was solved when B offered to pay the extra so I could get the 64gb version and keep all my photos!

That of course was yesterday, but today I got some time to 'play' and took a photo of the flowers I bought for the house photos.

Rest of the day shopping and clearing. Almost there now with the main rooms. The dreaded hall cupboard, loft and shed left to do!

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