Forgotten Doll

It's not been much of a day!  Wet and miserable for the most of it but has dried up a peerie bit this evening.

I've had a fairly lazy day with the rainy, drizzly day.  We went up to the old Saxavord RAF base for a look in the morning but too damp to have a walk about.  It did dry up for a peerie start in the afternoon and managed to get out walkies with Sammy around Baltasound.  With sister Julie away, I've been feeding her cat too :)  Staying in Unst another night and a quiet night with the telly :)

Another day and another abandoned house to check out, it's not been weather for photos outside.  This time I was in the old house, Springpark.  Most of the possessions have been removed but still plenty remain in the house, such as this poor old doll lying on the floor.  Think she was reaching out for me to take her home but best leave her there where she rests :) Taken at Springpark, Baltasound.  

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