Under the Bridge

Today I went to charge my MP3 player, only to find it was completely kaput! Oh dear, more expense! But then I do have an excuse to spend some of my Christmas money on a new gadget! So I walked down to the big out-of-town shops to get one from Curry's. (I actually chose it online and just went down to collect it! Much quicker and no hassle with salespeople!) Now I just have to set it up. It will hold around 3000 songs, so I should get a good selection on my Shuffle!

While I was down there I went along the side of the Upper Witham river, a different section to where I usually take my river shots. I took a few photos, but I've decided to Blip this one, taken of the underside of a bridge, as I love the colours and reflections.

I went into the Big Starbucks for coffee and also went to Morrison's while I was down there. Brian came to meet me there, which was just as well, as my favourite Toffee Apple Cider was on offer and I bought 6 bottles. Would not have fancied having to carry that home! I also raided the Salad Bar for something for my tea!

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