
I am so tired.  Today was a jump out of bed and hit the ground running kind of day.  My daughter, Alexandra, had to go in to work really early today in order to get out early for the holiday weekend.  So she put Nadia in our bed this morning at around 5 a.m.
My son, Nick and grandson, Nicholas, were both off for Good Friday so they were here and my grandson was up early.  My husband and I had to make the rounds to Costco and the grocery store for everything I needed for Sunday's dinner. 
After we got done with that I made a big salad and some sugar snap peas with shallots and sliced red grapes to bring to my sister in law's house.  She was having everyone over for dinner.  It's about a 40 minute drive to her house and it was raining.  It felt so good to sit in the car and the windshield wipers were putting me in a trance. 
Dinner was great.  Everyone contributed a dish and I don't think there was much left by the time we were done.  While the adults were talking the kids made there way down to the basement where my sister in law has a pinball machine, a fooseball table and a ping pong table for them to play with.  It was wonderful to be able to sit and chat without distractions.  We ended up staying until 11 p.m.!! 

I took a photo of the pinball machine.  The theme was Captain Hook. 

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