The high road

By Travellersjoy

Looking Good

I was late for work today, the light through the mist was beautiful shining on the water in Dunmanus Bay, I kept stopping to blip! No sign of the swan family at lunch time or any herons but the antics of the pair of seals in the Harbour kept me entertained and stole the day for a blip, It's a shame I cut the head off a bit but he or she rose out of the water quite quickly before diving. I think they might have been a male and a female, both would surface, take a few breaths, look at one another and disappear, one of them would role onto their back and swim backwards for a while first, in an almost flirtatious manor! I put this shot in my blipfolio. Late back after lunch too, just as well I've only myself to answer to!

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