It's Friday. A Good Friday. ...

.....when Cream Eggs are involved!!!

I love Easter Holidays when you're forced to take a break!!! Especially when you have just had one!! I spent years as a nurse when you worked any day - bank holiday of not!!!

I spent 3 hours in Starbucks at the cinema on my laptop writing reports and backing up my blip ( just 2 more months to go!) while Mr W watched Fast and Furious with his daughter. Laptop is still hissing. Damn thing. So its going back in on Tuesday. After the 4th repair it gets replaced hopefully!!

I was treated to a McDonalds on the way home - including a Cream Egg McFlurry! !!! Iv lived in East Grinstead for 5 years and this was the first time I have been in that restaurant! !!

Home now for our first Easter Egg!! Diets going well!!!

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