
Lee got home around midnight last night, I was up with Wom but Lee offered to take over, would have been rude to decline. No idea what time Lee got back into bed but I know I got almost 5 1/2 hours sleep in a block. Lush.

Lazy start to the morning with showers, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon (not all at the same time)

I headed out with the children to go to Croome, third time in the week, good old NT membership. The rain held off, lovely to see one of the baby group that we don't see very often, lovely to see the others too. Munchie took a real shine to 'big' William, and the two of them rode on the buggy board happily chatting for the majority of the time, Yes, it is hard work pushing a buggy board and pram with three children on board!

Home, popped to get pudding for Sunday's meal and say hello to the pigs. Home again and baked some cakes! great fun and they tasted great.

Both children in bed. We've had amazing pizza for tea, the piggy place have a pizza oven, ordered one, picked it up and eaten it, OMG amazing.

Our little man is 11 months old today, can't quite believe this, he is such a happy chappy, apart from when his teeth hurt him. He loves cuddles, pulling Munchie's hair and milk when he is tired. He adores being out in the car and looking out to see what he can see, he is also very happy to play peekaboo, push the ball, bang the TV table with a toy  or get the toy that Munchie is playing with. He recogonises when the bath is running and bounces up and down as if to say take me, take me take me, he also knows when daddy gets home when we are doing milk by the click of the stair gate, Bing and Sarah and Duck theme tunes also get 100% recognition. He is a proper water baby, a great eater and just makes our little family complete.

Love you Womsie xx

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