With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The pointy hats are coming

Scooby freaked. But a really good midnight walk has left him resting peacefully on the sofa with me.

The boys are away; Ben arrived in England ok, Little A is with his dad 'til Sunday and these strange days continue. I remember my first Easter here, heavily pregnant with Little Agu, the participants stopped to rub my bump lovingly as they passed (I had no idea who they were or if I even knew them due to their headgear).  Later I noticed the squeak of car wheels on the wax dripped from candles in these processions and saw the yellow from the pine pollen form crazed lines as they washed the streets down. Now the candles are light sticks, but the pollen remains and Little A is a sweet little man and Ben a gorgeous teenager. 

Have a peaceful Easter everyone x

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