St John's Salton

Out for a gentle bike ride in the sunshine. This is the view of Salton and its Norman church. It was once owned by Ulf an Anglo Danish chief.

The story goes that one day Ulf happened to over hear his sons discussing how they would divide up his land after his death. Fired with indignation he jumped on a horse and rode hot-haste to York. He took with him a beautiful horn which had come from the Holy Land and was said to be already a thousand years old. Arrived at York, he presented his lands at Salton and Brawby, and also some other manors, to York Minster. Probably, when he made the gift, he filled the horn with wine and drank the contents “to God and to St. Peter”. Ulf left his horn at the Minster. It was regarded as a pledge of the gift of land. Today in the chapter-house at York you can still see the horn of Ulf. It is of ivory, made out of an elephant’s tusk, and curiously carved. It bears an inscription,
“Ulf, a prince in Western Deira, gave this horn with his lands”.

Away to the Lake District and unsure of wi fi. Blipping may be sporadic!

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