
By JanPatienceArt

Springtime in Scotland

I've been in Inverness for a couple of days wearing my XpoNorth PR bunnet.
If you've never heard of it, XpoNorth (formerly goNORTH) is a unique couple of days in the Scottish creative calendar.
For two days and two nights every June (10th/11th this year), a host of creatives who work at the top of their game in screen, broadcast, game design, craft, textiles, designer fashion, writing and publishing and music all converge in the UK's most northerly city.
There, they interact with people of all ages and all backgrounds at a series of workshops, panels, keynote speeches and networking events. It's free for anyone to attend, which makes it all the sweeter.
Slots on the XpoNorth music and film showcases are hotly-contested. This year, we've had over 2000 films and 2000 bands applying to get their work seen and heard by expert eyes and ears.
Films are screened during the day and at night. After the intense yet inspiring day-time sessions, people wander around the compact city centre of Inverness from venue to venue seeking out bands they think sound interesting. Bands all play a half-hour slot so it's very democratic.
It's not a festival as you know it in a Glastonbury or a Belladrum way. There is serious purpose behind all the craic and banter. It's funded by Highlands & Islands Enterprise and the European Social Fund and is firmly aimed at boosting creative careers across the Highlands & Islands.
Since I've been working with director, Amanda Millen, and her team, I've been astonished at the sheer breadth of creative activity across this vast region of Scotland.
Creative folk (especially young people) are returning or choosing to remain in the Highlands in a sort of reversal of the Clearances. They make the choice to live and work there because the digital revolution makes everything possible. With faster broadband being rolled out then anything is possible.
I took this snow scene picture as I sped towards Inverness on the train. Springtime in the Cairngorms...

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