Because this is who I am

By Brighde


It's one of those days when I have to do my washing. Thankfully it's a nice day so I can hang things out.

So, last Friday I went to London to visit my fabulous friend Mandy who goes to University there. It was lovely to see her and all the ventures we got up too. On Friday I got in about 12 because my first train was cancelled, thankfully I managed to get on an earlier one. Anyways, we went off on our day of fun where we strolled around places looking at street art and finding ourselves on Brick Lane. Which I couldn't remember if it was that famous Brick Lane with all the curries on but I think it was because it was all just curry houses.

Saturday we went shopping all down Oxford Street and we went to Victoria's Secret which for any of you who live in like Leeds or Manchester isn't really a big deal because you have one but us Newcastle folk don't have one and honestly I went crazy. It's so beautiful and everything's so shiny. They really shouldn't be so cruel to people who find it very easily to spend all their money. 

Another thing we did was go for afternoon tea in this snazzy hotel by Hyde Park. I felt really cool at this point. 

Enough about London, I've also been out with my friend from work for her birthday which was lovely. Speaking of work, I worked 11 hours yesterday and when I remembered things that had happened in the morning I was blown that it  was even the same day. Yikes. 

However! I'm off gallivanting once more to visit my delightful boyfriend in Manchester. No rest for the wicked. 

Happy Blipping.

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