On Some Days

By V1k1

Pretty Painting

This is Promise inventing her own colours by using the primary colours plus white.  It was a practice activity so I could find out what they remembered about using paint.  Then I will know who needs support from me and who is already independent.  I cropped him out of the photo but I could see the little chap next to her was not focused  and had only made a couple of colours that looked like mud.  Next term this class will work on a painting about themselves carrying something. 
I made it to 3 o'clock and now have two weeks holiday.  I do have to go on a Marae stay with the teachers for an evening and a day during the second week.  I do have to do some planning for next terms lessons but I am free to plan my days to suit me and not hear the ring of the bells at school.  Happy Easter everyone.  

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