Changing skyline. And sky. The new Park Avenue West Tower near Director Park.
I'm one of those people that folks just talk to, wherever that may be, on the street, in the store, on the bus... today I couldn't walk a block without a random conversation of some kind. A funny but kind of dark one that has stuck with me today:
Man: Can I get the street car to the library along here?
Me: Well, you could get the bus or the max down toward Pioneer Square to Taylor, then change, or walk up.
Man: See, I knew I could get the street car from here, the horrible bus driver said I couldn't!
Me: Oh dear, you could do either.
Man: That's what I thought, I can tell you I'm not walking 20 blocks from here to the library! I have an all day pass.
Me: Good, I'm glad you're set.
Man: I'm going to the library to cry. Then I'm going the Social Security office where I know I'll be crying there for 3 hours. (He laughs.)
We both laugh then he says thank you and I reply I hope his day goes okay or at least better than he thinks it will, we wave to each other as we go our separate ways.
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