

For some reason today has been tough going.
Wom only had a forty minute morning sleep, Munchie seemed tired from the minute she woke up. Still I did manage a shower, whilst Munchie sat on the toilet reading books!

Grandma arrived, I popped out to meet a friend for lunch to discuss next term, very productive. Got home, both children had had fun with grandma. Wom had milk and promptly fell asleep on my lap, something he's not done in ages.

Headed out to go for a walk on the hills, heavens opened and Munchie fell fast asleep in the car. Went to a cafe on the hills instead. Grumpy Munchie cheered up when she had orange juice and cake. Home. Had tea.

Munchie then went bit grumpy, lots of shouting, tears, some throwing, unkindness to Wom. Step got worn out.
Wom on the other hand sobbed his way through the millionth nappy change of the day, teething.

Munchue then asked to go up to bath as she was tired. Loopy wasn't the word. She kept pulling womsie, throwing toys, shouting. Don't know whether she was overtired or there was loopy juice in her freshly squeezed orange juice. Whatever it was I don't want to repeat it.

Daddy got home and she reverted back to herself. Told me to take gromit downstairs to keep me company and daddy would do bedtime as that was a good idea!

Tomorrow is a new day

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