
By Hayls

Can we ever be friends Mr Monster?

Off to Amazonia with a swarm of nursery children today.

Amazonia is like a zoo for beasties - slimy ones, crawly ones, hairy ones, generally revolting ones.

The day got off to an inauspicious start when little Thomas got his arm stuck in the coca-cola vending machine. Poor Thomas, he did sob. Once released we ventured on to the heart of Amazonia. A hot, sweaty jungle of a room complete with dive-bombing butterflies.

Whilst there I thought I'd take the opportunity to cure myself of my lifelong phobia of spiders. I had it in my head that I would miraculously conquer my fear by somehow reaching forward and stroking a hairy eight-legged beastie and declaring him my friend. Unfortunately something primeval kicked in when I saw the monster I blipped. Uh-uh. No way. No how. Not gonna happen. Ever. I know it's my loss and not Mr Monster's, and I want to publicly say to Mr Monster that I think he is truly awesome...but he scares the crap out of me.

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