Message in a Bottle and a Tiny Crab

It has felt like ages since I have spent any time near the was lovely all be it rather a grey afternoon to walk its banks.
Flynn caught the tiniest crab ..I needed to strap a pair of magnifying glasses on my head to see it.
Some idiot had thrown a plastic bottle into the river...much to my disgust and Flynns delight 'Look Nanny a Message in a Bottle'.

After eating our tea by the river we went to the Souping Market for Easter supplies and .....biting the bullet .....some deodoriser for our house...(which smells like a dog kennel). Jaiya and I spent over 30 mins sniffing this and that...we now both have headaches and I have to say I feel a little queazy.....I think it might be evil stuff.

“Worlds can be found by a child and an adult bending down and looking together under the grass stems or at the skittering crabs in a tidal pool.”
Mary Catherine Bateson

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