Return to the North

By Viking


I was rudely interrupted from my slumber at 11.30 last night by the nice local policeman to tell me my school fire alarm was going off and could I come and turn it off! After staggering around trying to coordinate getting dressed while still half asleep I headed out the door, to be rung and told that the alarm people had worked out how to turn it off! grrrrr
Consequently I was a bit bleary eyed this morning - suppose end of term knackeredness comes into it too!
Anyway I was walking down the drive looking at the gorgeous sunrise and thinking I really should go get my camera (rather than using my trusts iPhone 6+) So I went back inside and got the camera and the macro lens so that I could take pictures of the dew drops on the fence. I got the angle right so the background is the colour of the sunrise.
Was quite chuffed to find that a couple of them were even in focus!!!

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