
The fields are hazed with lupins just now, but I liked the macro shot, taken from the top, because it reveals something different about the structure and color of this ubiquitous wildflower. They are actually quite pointed, which is why the center is not quite in focus.

I spent an inordinate amount trying to photograph a bottlebrush flower this morning, but a chill wind was blowing just intermittently enough to make the exercise futile. I will, however, be back with something at a later date, because these are such fascinating pants. I'll try not to get into a rerun of my Queen Anne's Lace fixation, but no promises….

The mystery of the recently arrived garden gnome was solved with a phone call from Tim, son #2, asking if we had received it. When I explained that its arrival was a total mystery, he said something like, "oh yeah, there was a place to fill something out, but I guess I forgot…." The gnome (not Tim) has been installed underneath the plum tree where the birds like to line up for the bird feeders. 

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