Sat outside St Peter's

Work took me to Addingham today, a gorgeous little village int Dales near Ilkley.  And of course whilst I was there, thought I'd say hello to possibly one of the prettiest churches I know - St Peter's.  On approach to the church you cross a little brook, some fields and oodles of daffs... and soon blossom trees too - it's gorgeous!  
See the chap sat outside the church..... bottom right... alone with his thoughts.  In the car I heard this on the radio... you gotta love it to listen to it all but I cranked it right up.... wowser lady Nina!!!
A brilliant night with the camera course this evening... we met up at Skipton and practiced waterfall photography with different shutter speeds and then photographed the church, (yes another one) in the dusk and its lit up loveliness... a grand day.
My big sis is visiting for a couple of days... yesssssss - and I'm dragging her along to the book club tomorrow evening... my comments may be slight... but I'll be smiling out there! :) x

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