No cheesy jokes from me tonight in my annual lecture with camemberts, just a very croaky voice and minimal speaking. I did, however, learn lots of very interesting gossip and eat an unseemly quantity of cheese gougères.
Earlier, an unpleasantly early start to help CarbBoy with his much neglected spellings, then off to school for chat and cheques with the cheese lady. Home to bully some camemberts into being (with thanks to Mr B who saved me when I broke Excel, and found my missing euro - I don't really mind if the accounts are wrong, so long as the big number at the bottom balances.) And at lunch time an animated discussion with TallGirl about the difference (or otherwise) between steam and water vapour; and the importance (or otherwise) of blindly trusting your teachers.
CarbBoy arrived home with a Palm Sunday twig from school, prompting much discussion of Easter, Passover and Noah (well, it looked like an olive branch to us). I'm not sure we're delivering the pastoral instruction the Bishop who runs our school might wish, but it's more than we'd be delivering but for these occasional prompts. And the Head reminded me tonight that it's 'Cultural' education, not strictly religious.
In other news, after much preparation, I have taken the plunge and started downloading Yosemite. I estimate with current progress it will be installed by early May. So that's nice.
In weather news, flipping freezing.
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