
By Farmerboab

Tractor Tuesday ( again )

It's certainly been 3,if not 4,seasons in one day today. After last night's heavy rain and wind,the sun made a brief appearance this morning. The rest of the day varied between snow showers and sunny spells,warm and cold.
Spent a good part of the day bruising and bagging up feeding. Bruising is when the grain passes between 2 metal rollers to crush it.  You have to do this to allow the sheep and cattle to digest it. If you feed it as whole grain,it passes through the gut and comes out the other end as whole grain and is wasted !
We are feeding the ewes hard at the moment to keep the milk on them. Once the lambs are bigger we cut back the amount the ewes get and feed more to the lambs themselves. At the moment I am using about a ton a day here,and wee brother will be about the same next door.
The blip is of my old Case tractor that is used every day to feed out the silage. It is 20 years old with 9000 odd hours on the clock,and a bit rusty round the edges.
However,it's still my favourite. It has no electronics or computers, in a word -simple . A bit like it's driver !

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