Sk8r kids!

A few hours on skates and I've become a teen and started swapping letters for numbers!!

What a day!! We got to Curve Motion for when it opened and made the most of the skating rink (?!) and soft play!!

Coxy and I re-lived our youth by embarrassing the children and putting roller boots on and joining them... They swiftly left us and took on the huge soft play area including a death slide! We didn't care, we cruised around chatting, we looked well cool!!! (I'll be lucky if I can still walk tomorrow!)

It really was a cracking day and 3 children asleep on the way home is always a winner, Fleetwood Mac was blaring on the way home!

May has dumped us and gone for a sleepover at Millie's whilst the big girls thought they would go to the boys for a sleepover.... Oh no, not on my watch!

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