Mono Monday - Patterns

Another rainy cold day so I decided to stay indoors until I needed to go out at 5pm to slimming group.  Did a few jobs round the house.  Spoke to my daughter on the phone for an hour. 

The Church Hall, where we usually have our slimming group meeting, was in use this evening for Church business with it being Holy Week so we had the meeting in a room in one of the pubs in the village - The Bay Horse.  A much smaller room than our usual so it was a bit of a squash.  I out on 2½ pounds.  I wasn't surprised as I seem to have been hungry last week and always looking around for the next thing to eat.  Too many calories consumed versus not enough exercise = weight gain. Will try and get my act together this week.

The Mono Monday challenge is patterns.  I was idly looking around for something to blip when I spotted this papier mache bowl with a patttern of fishies on it.  The bowl is red and the fishies are silver. The paper used for the bowl is from pilchard labels and the bowl was made in South Africa by Wola Nani a charitable  organisation who help people with Aids and HIV. They have been going for 20 years. I guess I must have bought this bowl in a local charity shop - I have had it for many years.

Steps today - I have no idea as after my bath I forgot to put my fitbit back on.  Silly sausage.

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