Just the Withers......

By JaneW

NO TENT !! No ... A CARAVAN !!!

Haaaaaaaa the luxury !!
We are not used to such easy pitch up ... Drive ...arrive ... And voila here we are INSIDE a sturdy structure ...
Such a long drive to Newquay Cornwall but always worth it ...
Not without incident though ... We do mess about so much that we tend to get the staff in a giggling fit,anyway we go to check in to reception and do our stand up comedy routine,get given our map.. Negotiate 6,000 small irritating children on scooters and find our caravan ... In such an excited tone I clap my hands and say 'let us in then loulibelle ' ( that is Tits McGee to you lot) ... There is a pause and a squeak ..'I've not got it ' ...
Well nor have I .... Is my reply ...
Ohhhhh ...
We drive back through 67,000 small irritating children on scooters and I send Tits in to reception ... She comes flying back out triumphant ... 'Ohhh how they laughed at us ' she says ...
Off we go ... Trying to run over 89,0000 small irritating children on scooters ..
The key is produced ...
The door is opened .... IT IS MASSIVE !!! and clean and exciting ... With a massive shower room ....
We unpack and go and get essential supplies ... Chocolate .. Heartburn tablets and loo roll.

Oh and you get a really good deep ladle in the caravan ....

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