I have a hat.... But I'm not Vivien Mairs!!
Watched the film today about her.... What a find.
Amazing photos, such a natural!
Wish I had an eye like that.
Would love to be brave enough to either approach or just take photos of strangers like that. (although sometimes just plain invasive!)
Although I think that's why I love taking shots of kids (that I know) .... They are generally very happy to get their photos taken or don't notice and just continue to do what they were doing.
We really do (or at least I do) take for granted these days, the fact that we can take so many shots of the same subject!
I'm very click happy these days and it brought back the memory of using the old film camera, where each photo was more precious.
Although I remember also getting picture after picture that was rubbish!
I still do.... But it doesn't matter now!!
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