Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Busy Day

No new lambs and no new calves today although one of the first time calvers is very close to calving. Got called out to go gathering on a farm 60 miles away. Left husband at home in charge of my lambing. To get to the bit that I gather I go down an old track and halfway down I found one of the neighbours cows stuck on her side with her legs uphill. Had to nip back up to the road to get signal to try to phone the farmer, there was no answer so I headed down to the farm and on the way met the farmer obviously looking for said cow. I told him where she was and we headed back to her, I helped him role her over onto her other side then left him to it, I had to jog to catch up to where I should have been on the gather and got to my spot just in time!! The heavily pregnant ewes were slow and awkward but the dogs were very good and steady and we got them in. The cow did get up and was looking relatively happy when I left.

 For the second half of the gather the weather had seriously deteriorated with heavy driving rain. It was miserable and by the end the dogs and I looked like drowned rats and poor wee Shaw was shivering. The dogs got a good towel dry and their drying rugs put on and even let them ride in the back seats where I had the heat cranked up. I changed into some dry clothes and started the long drive home. Phew I,'m tired tonight!! Think a long soak in a nice hot bath may be the answer.

Took this picture from the pick up on the road home.

8c 8mph wsw gusting and heavy squally showers.

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