Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Day 1

The walk across the park this morning was sunny and bright.

The walk across the park at lunch time was wet, windy and freezing.

Work was, on the whole, good. I had a few wobbly moments of agitation, but I had my coping mechanism in my pocket to inflict pain and bring me back to a calm state.

It was great hearing all the girls’ news; it was so nice to be talking about normal everyday stuff. It felt strange. It’s been that long. All I’ve been used to talking about is me and how I feel etc.  It was also lovely to see the children again and see how much they have grown.

Came home, had a bit of lunch, then took my book and went out for a tea. I didn’t last long until I just wanted my sofa. I am mentally and physically exhausted after 4 hours of work. Pathetic!

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