Black-headed gull

The weather person came up trumps today. Sun in the morning with cloud and rain in the afternoon so I hit the bricks early to find something to look at. Back to Sharps Bay by the Medway I went. The light was okay but the wind was biting so I took some shots and then grabbed a coffee at the lovely café.

I then headed home to complete a CV and application for a job I fancied. Ploughed through it and was working through the person spec when I came across something I hadn't spotted before so I worked back through it and realised that it wasn't the charity I thought it was and while I have no problem with them it wasn't where I wanted to be. Must read the blurb better in future. But at least I have a rather ropey CV put together.

And the doctor wants to see me. They have the results of the blood pressure gig last week; I'm guessing that they want to tell me that I'm overweight. At least it can't be too life-threatening as the first date offered was the end of next month. I'm away then so they've found a space a bit sooner.

I chilled by watching an episode of The West Wing that's been rattling around my head for a while. If anyone is familiar with the series it's episode 14 of the first season. It's the one where the President is asked to stop the execution of a murderer and he's not sure what to do - politics Vs compassion, etc. Karl Maldon plays a priest who knows the President from childhood and in the final scene Jeb (the President) asks why God hasn't spoken to him about what he should do. Karl tells a little story about a man who hears a flood alert on the radio. He thinks "I'm a good and devout man, the Lord will look after me". As the flood waters start rising a man goes past in a boat and shouts to the man to get in but the man thinks to himself "I worship the Lord, I will be fine". As the waters continue to rise he is on the roof and a helicopter hovers overhead but he refuses the rope and thinks he'll put his trust in his faith. When he arrives at the Pearly Gates he is furious and demands that he speak to God about why he wasn't saved. God replies "I sent a radio warning, a man in a boat and a helicopter - what more help could I offer?". Jeb had already spoken to a Rabbi, a Quaker and a priest but hadn't realised that this might be messages from on high.

It's about recognising signs and messages isn't it?

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