Spring, Mostly.

I wasn't really intending to go out today, but after a lie in following my busy
week last week, it looked so pleasant that I decided to have a wander up to my top patch. I'm glad I did because I saw quite a few things of interest: Skylarks singing, (not so) Common Gulls, a Fox, a Goldcrest, a Kestrel, Yellowhammers, Coltsfoot starting to bloom and possibly least expected, a small flock of Fieldfare. I don't think it will be long now before they return to their Summer quarters. The Badgers had also been busy and their were signs of fresh digging near the sett, and I also found a latrine. On my way back, there were lots of Pied Wagtails chasing around the horse pastures.They were kind enough to pose from time to time.
Elsewhere, our local Peregrines are now incubating 4 eggs. There are 2 webcams broadcasting live footage, and there is also news on the twitter feed of the Derby Peregrines.

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