Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

No Surrender

Groundhog day!

Yet another round of compulsory redundancies. A call later today where they will inform us how many people in our particular group are at risk, the procedure to be followed to select the unlucky few who will be shown the door, and a closing message about remaining professional and carrying on as normal. Easy for them to say.

It's at times like this that  I despise capitalism as these actions are all about making more money for the shareholders, in other words, the rich get richer by feeding the less well off into the capitalist sausage machine. Grr. No need to worry that today's workforce, once displaced, will no longer be able to buy the very goods that they once helped to make as new markets open up in other countries, i.e. the same countries that their jobs are being given away to. You don't need a crystal ball to see that eventually, the same thing will then happen there, but the people making these decisions don't care as it won't affect them. They will have taken there money and run. Why should they care about future generations?

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