A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Teething and other fun stuff

So we've come to a conclusion, Olivier and I: we maintain that teething is no fun. Add a bit of separation anxiety to the mix, and you'll get this beautiful baby boy who resists sleep because he has to make sure I'm not going anywhere.

Falling asleep was quite an adventure tonight, though there was a lot less crying involved. He just seems to be entering a new phase in his understanding of the world. Fascinating, even if a bit tiring.

(Ps: I'm so lucky to have an amazing group of fellow mamas to help me out when I feel tired, frazzled and insecure. It may not take an actual village to raise a child, but having a few mamas in your corner really, really, really helps. There are a ton of understatements and euphemisms in this, but I know they'll get it.)

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