a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Cheesemaking Boot Camp: Day 2

A less painful day than yesterday (Praise Be).

Having tackled the quark, chabichou, cheddar, ricottas and camembert on Saturday, all we had left to do was the feta and mozzerella (as well as finishing off the cheddars and brining some of the other cheeses).

Once I decided my cheese would probably never be fit for human consumption, I felt able to not give a damn about whatever it was I did wrong. I am confident that if nothing else, I did it with gusto and panache. And that is the most important thing.

Well, up to the end, when we had a wine & cheese social session. I so did not want to eat the cheese, and my gusto & panache vanished lickety-split.

Now comes the cheese nurturing part. The cheddars (pictured) have got to mature for the obligatory 6-12 months before they're worth trying. The experimental camembert (who I baptised Raoul) has only 6-7 weeks of coddling and is supposed to look less naked and more mouldy in a couple of weeks' time. I won't hold my breath on that one......

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