New train set
Highlights today include a trip to Scotsdales where we bought Matthew some more rolling stock for his railway. He was begging for it before his birthday but we distracted him and promised he could have a new train if he didn't get any for his birthday. He was very impressed when we showed him the train with two little cars riding on the carriages.
In the afternoon we caught the tail end of a friend's birthday party and enjoyed her new playhouse in the garden and rainbow cake. Eva was pleased with the stickers Matthew gave her (and was merrily sticking them on the knees of her sleeping grandpa as we left). He loved going through his party bag when he got home - bubbles and crayons and a mini slinky and a party hat. But bless him as the bike came home down the drive he was saying 'new trainset' and went to play with it straight away. He went off to bed still clutching one of the little cars and had to be parted from it (with much protest) before he would go to sleep.
In other news we took down the downstairs stair gate! The upstairs one is still up for containment purposes but he's now safe enough not to need it. And it's amazing how nice it is now it's gone :)
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