
By Cailleach

A season's end....

Blip's motto, or maxim, or whatever you want to call it, is 'be excellent'. I've never really liked that phrase. To me, it's trite and a bit meaningless; it's too ....soundbitey, if you know what I mean.

If we have to have some sort of rule, then I would rather it was 'be kind'....because you lot, all of you, define the word in a way I've never known before.

Yesterday, I told you about my friend Marjorie and asked if you could think of her. Your wonderful messages and goodwill made me smile, and as little Mag slipped away from this world and into the next, she took with her the kindness of strangers.

The last time I wrote something like this, I urged you to tell the people who mean the most to you, that you love them. I make no excuses for saying it it now, whilst you still can. Xx

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