All about the Bass.....

Awake at 7.45, or should that have been 6.45?  

No chance of falling back asleep as 2/3rds of the SBG joined us in bed.  

After a soggy (very soggy) 45 minutes at the side of a rugby pitch, we headed over to Knowes Farm Shop near East Linton for a mooch and some lunch.  A falafel Scotch egg and a Steampunk coffee, feeding the chooks, a stand off with a 5 yr old and then it was our regular Sunday trip to NB - although we mixed it up a bit this time and went to the far end of the beach, where the SBG clambered up the rocks, looked for crabs in rock pools and flung each other onto the sand.  

Fresh air and less sleep than usual over the last few looking forward to bed in the not too distant future.  Plus, I need to be on form for my interview in the morning!! 

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