Once upon a time, on The first date I had with Fe we met in Stamford and nervously spent a couple of hours starting to get to know each other. I doubt either of us truly thought that day we'd make it. We did.

We came together (as you know by now) through blip and we decided to go to a picturesque town to get a shot each. I took a shot of this bridge, as linked above.

Today after three and a half years we went back. Like a re-enactment I parked in the same place, met my girl who had driven from Cambourne and walked the high street. Then we ate in the Crown, the pub we shared our first drink. That was pretty much it today thanks to the rain, but it was enjoyable anyhow.

I've even made Fe promise to blip today as well. Watch this space.

Actually not this space, her blip won't appear here. You'd need to check out her journal which is Bryher. If she doesn't Blip today  I'm going to grow a ZZ Top beard and shave me head as a suitable punishment for her.

In other news, Withcall is nice. I just hope the three couples viewing property there tomorrow don't feel the same.

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