Lizellens Lot

By lizellen

A Surprise Sunrise

I lay in bed this morning wondering what on earth I was going to Blip today. It felt like I had just photographed everything possible. However, a walk was needed, so got in the car to drive to my favourite walking spot.

I had only just turned out of my street when this scene appeared ahead of me. For once in my life, I stopped and leaped out with the camera instead of continuing on, thinking 'I should have stopped back there.'

Unbelievably, while I was photographing the scene, not one, but two separate, large flocks of birds flew across the sky. They didn't make for a good blip though as there were just too many of them cluttering up the sky and detracting from the sunrise

Until last week, there had been a field of maize blocking this view.

I do think it looked better in real life.

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