J came home from school today and announced that he wanted to start being healthy and what could about
he have for his tea that was healthy? Very well J. How about an omelette?
Now how did that come into my head? I am not very good at making them and usually have to quarter the thing and flip each quarter over to finish cooking it off. I don't cook them very often as it just irritates me that I can't get them cooked in one piece. However, J said that he would like one and of course I was going to try to oblige my boy.
However ..... he also said that he wanted to see how you made one! Oh dear!
Maybe it was because I was concentrating carefully on taking him through it but when it came to the time to turn it over to cook the last few bits of egg, I started to explain how I couldn't do this bit and then I realised that I could! The omelette was shaking loose as a whole entity in the pan. I didn't dare flip it like a pancake but with the careful use of a fish slice I could turn it as a one-r. Voila! One perfect omelette. My first ever perfect omelette! I think I was just too impatient before now and was trying to flip it before the base was properly cooked. Thankyou J for making this possible! Very chuffed with myself so had to take a photo.
P.S. The cucumber and sweetcorn were added by J to further his healthy eating cause! If this had been for me there would have been chips on the side and the middle of the omelette would be oozing with cheese!
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