The Edge of the World*
We drove up Los Alamos Road, which narrows and gets steeper just after it passes our house and the red barn. The county apparently has no money for repairing roads, so despite the fact that there are several enclaves of houses, lots of service vehicles going up there, and a regional park at the top, the road is fast reverting to a dirt track as is our own Wildwood Trail. It's ironic that the road down into the park has been repaved and resurfaced recently, for anyone who soldiers on to the top of the road.
Precious few do, so we like to drive up there occasionally to walk down to Santa Rosa Creek nearer its source in the mountains. The dogs are supposed to be on a leash but there's nobody there to enforce that, so Ozzie can run around and play in the creek. Today we took Rudy along since Blake was going to puppy training class with Dana, Will is on his way back from Mexico, and Jim and Peter are at baseball spring training in Arizona. Rudy's not wild about water, but who can blame him since his legs are only two inches long….
I managed to cross the creek (my nemesis since I fell in on the first attempt a couple of years ago) not one but three times as we took a new trail back to the parking lot. A long, stout walking stick helped a lot, especially since my balance is a bit challenged by a blocked ear. I was hoping the change in altitude would bring about a resolution, but it doesn't seem to have.
*The photo is taken at the very top of Los Alamos Road. I was struck by these mailboxes poised on the edge of the world.
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