4 LUV of Life

By Russ

J.A. Stapp in the 1950's

For Grandpa, there are also records with his name listed as Orville Stapp.
Born in 1889 in Arkansas.  Died and buried in McAlester, OK in 1960.  I was told that he did poorly in math but if you told him the price per pound of beef he could tell you what to pay for a herd or pen of cattle.  He was a good judge of cattle & horses.  He worked as a farm hand, a cow hand, a prison guard & a deputy sheriff.  He was very accurate with a fire arm and was known to sit on the porch pull his pistol & shoot the chicken he want for dinner through the head.  He was always nice to me but I was told that he was a very stern/rough disciplinarian.  My favorite memory was when he took me to a cattle auction & I watched old men sitting on a fence post & snapping a 16' "black snake" behind the cattle to keep them moving. He had lung cancer & I was told that 2 weeks before he died, he was kicked by a bull which broke a couple of ribs.  He got up kick the bull back and went home to die.

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