
By pensionspoet

Showing off!

Here is 'Captain' in full swing - he is entertaining my hens, a daily occurrence in our garden.....for now. 

This young peacock appeared about 3 years ago. We don't know where from. He has pretty much stayed around ever since. I think he really believes he is a chicken! Once we vacate for good (at least 3 hens will move with me on Monday) then we may try to find a new home for may mean a move to Hertfordshire, as we know of a place where he is sure to be very happy.

Mollie arrived home much earlier than expected this morning. Apparently the flight was quicker as it was very windy. She was full of stories about her amazing week in New York - and is determined to return one day. I'm glad that giving her this experience has given her the desire to travel!

The rest of the day has been packing, packing, packing! One more day of it and them I'm off!

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