Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum


Yes this is a very poor cake blip but......

It is #2boy's 20th birthday and he refused to be blipped.

His friend D (labrador puppy brain) baked him a birthday cake.
Ahhh how sweet you say.
NO, NO, NO not at all sweet.

A passable victoria sandwich covered with white icing and decorated with a large, black icing approximation of male genitalia!!!!!!!

I could not blip it as it is obscene!
Kids eh?

We (#2boy, lovely girlfriend, #3boy, gorgeous fell and myself) ate takeaway food in the garden. They are now watching 'Pulp fiction' in the dark for the full cinematic effect. (Not #3boy he has school in the morning and it is not suitable viewing for a 15 year old).

as I have been up since 5.30am I am now off to bed.

but first.....

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. ;-))

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