
By cansuyguroglu


As I was typing my post for today, my phone froze and the app closed itself. I have to try again but I'm so tired. Blipfoto, why do you do this to me?

Today was fun. Unfortunately flag practice got canceled even though Yagmur and I kept throwing balls in the rain. Mr Becker decided that the thunder was dangerous (I agree) when he saw Yagmur's hair sticking up in every direction. Then, I walked to Bebek and met up with my friends in Dem. This photo is from my walk. We chatted for hours before I took a taxi home. I wanted to walk but it had started raining, again.

We had to debate in class today. The topic was wether Romeo and Juliet were in true love or not. I was on the affirmative team. I like arguing with people, but I don't like debates. It's stressful. Fortunately today wasn't too bad. I wish I was better at debating since it's an important skill. I really admire Can Y, Defne U and Nazli when it comes to debate and just public speaking in general.

I'm kind of glad we debate in class. It adds excitement to the lessons and everyone gets to speak. It also helps us improve our debating skills. Debates are supposed to be fun and expand our point of views. It's nice to rebut the opposing team and it's nice to know that you are doing well. But at the same time, debating is tiring (for me at least) since it's so stressful. I feel like I can finally breath since it's over.

"It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it."
Joseph Joubert

I also sold cookies and a cake (that two other girls baked) for my summer CIP with Idilsu. We sold everything by walking around campus for half an hour. I think we were successful. Maybe it had to do with Idilsu's smiling face or with my classic high-pitched "Hi, would you like to buy cookies from our CIP sale?". Mine (yes that's a name) also helped us even though she wasn't in our CIP.

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