End of Play

Exciting day today as The Boss took off with Tiny really early (before my grub) to watch the NASA big balloon launch. And it did but the event even with the largest lens he had (not big enuff next time borrow someones) did not meet Bliptious standards so it was out again with ME this time for a multi purpose blat to get a Blip so that’s a Blip Blat  Oh new word..Patent pending NOT to be copied by “Another” dog…Right!!!

Ok I feel much better now.

Oh and the second reason for the Blat was to get me thoroughly wet ‘Cos I seem to have a dark band…(No Musicians were injured) around my shoulders which the water was supposed to get off. The Boss says tomoro we will try some of The Bossess’s best shampoo which should probably do a better job and smell way better anyway. 

If you are interested in the Balloon thingie just Google “NASA Balloon Wanaka” and look at the pictures. The Wanaka launch had a crane in it as The Boss was reluctant to hold the string thing or let them tie it round his waist and I don't blame him either. So look for the crane and that is Wanaka Airport!!
They, Tiny and the rest of them, went to a Bark road where they could see the airport and watched the launch on assorted smart phones and iPads live off the NASA site. (asyoudo) Yes I realise that is a bit odd but accurate reporting has always been my thing.

Tomoro will NOT be a wet dog photo day.  I repeat NOT.
Right again…

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